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Game Force Bidding System

Learn the 2-Over-1 

You don't need a partner to join us!

Ready to start bidding using the 2-Over-1 bidding system?


This course is broken up into (2) parts:  the instructional workshop and a practice game.

During the instructional sessions, you will be introduced to the 1NT forcing concept, game forcing bids, and other elements and changes to the standard bidding system. 

We will cover important conventions and elements that are part of the system, such as Splinters, Jacoby 2NT, and Control-showing Cue bidding.  

We will provide supportive hands to practice bidding these new concepts and notes to take home for review.

During the practice game, you will play 18 boards that present 2-Over-1 bidding opportunities, with a supervising teaching director available to answer any questions that you may have while bidding.  A full analysis and hand record will be given at that end of the game for your post-mortem review.

Prerequisite of 1-2 years of active playing is recommended; no partner needed.

Upcoming Courses:

Instructional Workshop:

Saturday, December 14th


Next 2/1 Hands Only

Practice Game session:

Wednesday, December 17th


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